About RAH1

Mission Statement:

Scale model WWI Memorial featuring Sgt. Henry Johnson
Scale model WWI Memorial featuring Sgt. Henry Johnson

Remembering All our Heroes (RAH1) will memorialize the sacrifices of our fighting men and women, allowing neither time nor place to ever diminish their heroism.  RAH1 is dedicated to bringing the truth to all by raising awareness through monuments and education for the causes that each of our heroes believed important enough to die for.

Our mission is to celebrate and remember them again and again. Thereby do we fulfill our promise that we will never forget.  For we are always reminded that …”If ye break faith with us who die we shall not sleep though poppies grow in Flanders Fields”

Our main project for this important year:

Sgt. Henry Johnson
Sgt. Henry Johnson

We will raise $200,000 to fund a WWI centennial memorial, the first such memorial in over 100 years, at the Los Angles National Cemetery. This will be dedicated to All Our Heroes but will feature the likeness (but not identified on the WWI Monument itself) of an actual WWI hero named Sgt. Henry Johnson (Click Here for more information on Remembering this Hero) as the best example of the valor, bravery and honor shown by ALL in WWI. There is a scale model of the bronze memorial if you would like us to bring it to your event.

We hoped to raise the money by April 1, 2018 to make the November 11, 2018 unveiling during Remembrance/Armistice Day at the Los Angeles National Cemetery.  As of this date (June 2020)  we have not heard anything from the VA.

See our events to raise awareness

Additional Programs that are important to our Mission

1) Continue to raise national and world awareness through a memorial torch relay and worldwide moment of silence -ww1rr.com

2) Working with Los Angeles resources i.e. studios, universities etc. create and distribute educational materials to schools during this centennial year.

We  need to be diligent on moving forward.  Please help us to preserve this important history by hitting the donate button below so we can pass the torch of knowledge and valor to the next generation.

About Us

Hank Elder is a third generation Los Angeles resident.  His Grandfather Henry Sr fought in World War One and is buried in Los Angeles National Cemetery with over 6600 of his comrades from the Great War.

Hank and Diane Elder formed RAH1 to create a platform to celebrate and honor the sacrifices of all those that gave their all for Freedom and Democracy regardless of race, creed or color.  In many cases the sacrifices intensified AFTER returning home from winning the battles abroad.  This year RAH1 is focused on the Centennial Year of the End of World War One, 100 years ago.

Over 53,000 Americans gave their lives in the last 6 months of the war.  Basically, Americans threw themselves at the enemy in a show of courage and valor that stunned and shocked the Germans, decimating  their hope to sustain and wait out the allies.  These fresh onslaughts forced the Germans into a total and complete capitulation ending the war 12 to 18 months earlier than the Germans had planned.

RAH1 is dedicating our WWI Centennial Memorial Monument to preserving the memories of the Gallant Americans left in the sacred grounds of the battle field cemeteries of Europe and those buried in LANC.  AT the same time bringing attention to the many that fought and came back to a serious lack of appreciation and in many cases freedom.  Our core mission is to build monuments and preserve the history that cleared the path, in blood, for the future generation of  Americans